I've known Kelley and Seth for a long time. They're the most adorable high school sweethearts. I took Kel's graduation photos from college. Then their engagement photos. Three years later their wedding is still one of my portfolio favorites!
I was so elated to find out on Thanksgiving that they're expecting their first baby! Kelley didn't want to have a party but did want to do something special to document the moment. What sweeter way to find out what you're having than a S'more!

The anticpiation while waiting for their s'mores to be assembled...

There's a running joke in Seth's family that they can't make girls.

"I knew it!" - Kelley

They're so adorable, I can't stand it.

By day Kelley is a first grade teacher. In her spare time she's also an amazing hand lettering artist. Check out her work here: ​https://www.etsy.com/shop/RusticallyWritten?ref=shop_sugg​

If this kid is half as adorable as his parents, he's going to be one adorable baby! I'm so excited 😉 for you guys!